Charter Members and Officers
 J. Elwood "Andy" Andrews
 Real Estate and Insurance
 Dr. Jesse Holden "Beck" Beckwith
 Dentist – Exodontist
 Rev. Howard D. Borley
 Pastor - First Presbyterian Church
 Albert M. "Bert" Braden
 Grant J. Brown, Director 
 Banking - Industrial Savings Bank
 Albert W. "Al" Dodds, Director
 Funeral Director
 Walter E. "Dunk" Dunkin, President
 Baked Goods
 Ray H. "Spike" Goodes
 William A. "Bill" Hastings, Treasurer 
 Retail Gas Appliances
 Edgar G. Haymond
 Glenn R. Jackson, Second Vice President
 Retail Dry Goods
 O. E. King
 Reinhard Kleinpel, Director
 Lumber, Lathes, Shingles, Etc.
 Arthur C. "Art" Koepke
 Contractor and Builder
 Otto R. Largent
 Secretary - Y.M.C.A
 Edwin S. "Ed" Lunt 
 Automobiles - Retail
 Clare H. McKinley
 John J. Mercer. First Vice-President
 Elwyn Pond
 Paul F. Schagane
 Retail Electrical Supplies
 Dr. Adelbert E. Scott
 Osteopathic Surgeon
 William J. "Bill" Stark 
 DeHull N. "Squire"Travis, Secretary 